The market for the development of enterprise applications is huge of about 400 Bill.$ with a significant growth potential (source: Dave McComb, The Data-Centric Revolution, Technics Publications). Germany is about 10% of the world market. This market is mainly covered by service providers, software houses, consulting companies, system integrators and the internal IT enterprises. A large part of this market is the development of individual software solutions.
ARONTO can be used universally for all market segments, especially for applications where the relation between data play an important role like asset management, service management, SLA management, order management etc. Beside this there is also a large ‚Shadow-IT‘ in many enterprises where about 5,2 mil. programmers worldwide develop spreadsheet based enterprise applications in business departments because the internal IT is overloaded and not able to deliver the requested solutions. The ‚Shadow -IT‘ is a big risc for enterprises due to the lack of IT-compliance, missing sustainability and susceptible to errors. ARONTO is a tool to avoid the ‚Shadow-IT‘. It can increase the productivity of the internal IT by a factor of 10 and also enables business departments to develop enterprise applications in close cooperation with the IT, which avoid all the issues of the ‚Shadow-IT‘.
The focus for ARONTO is the enterprise IT, which may not invest in large and expensive standard software packages or expensive individual development, as well as service providers, which consult enterprises and develop individual applications for them. Time, cost and resource savings are about 90% in comparison to traditional application-centric development.
The competition of ARONTO is more or less today’s traditional application-centric development with all it’s disadvantages, including also more progressive methodologies like model driven development or low code development. In the modern innovative data-centric world ARONTO seems to be the only universal No-Code data-centric platform on the market, which is open and available to customers. There are a few No-Code platforms, but only for specific purposes and not universal.
Facebook, Amazon, Google and Apple use the data-centric approach for their own and closed platforms.
Analysts like Forrester estimate the market for Low/No-Code platforms at about 20 Bill.$ over the next 5 years.