A collection of individual solutions restricts organizations. The answer is a Data-Centric platform like ARONTO, which enables companies to say goodbye to the application-centric approach and thus to individual solutions and to develop into a data-driven company. With ARONTO it is no longer about solving a single use case at the departmental level. With ARONTO data silos are minimized. Silos cost money, reduce the quality of decisions and ultimately slow down the organization. The data-centric approach is an integrated approach to corporate information management that enables decisions based on a wide range of information, resulting in increased flexibility at the lowest possible cost.
ARONTO gives your organization the means to solve a wide range of business problems: from asset management or IT service management and compliance tracking to contract management, HR onboarding etc. – all in one central platform with a single data model.
The single data model used by ARONTO is an Enterprise Ontology and is a Knowledge Graph. The Knowledge Graph refers to a method of organizing data that highlights relationships between data points. Graph data look like a network of interconnected points. This is in contrast to databases like Oracle or MySQL- relational systems- in which data are stored in tables. Relational systems are designed for stable business processes in which the data model does not change. This stability orientation leads to a problematic rigidity in the data integration. It offers no flexibility for the data analysis and prevents the representation of situational or changing realities. With its ability to make real context understandable, a knowledge graph is the ideal tool for storing company data. Instead of processing data by combining tables, the data are unified by the ability of graphs and ontology. A knowledge graph transforms your data into machine-readable knowledge. Data have a meaning. They become semantic.
ARONTO is also a NO-Code platform. For an application the entire knowledge about business objects such as products, services, processes and guidelines are recorded in a model. These models can be executed directly as an application without additional code intervention and can be easily interpreted by non IT staff. ARONTO applications can be easily adapted as the external environment changes. This change is made immediately in the application. The No-Code capability frees up 80+% of the company’s IT capacity compared to current efforts, which leads to massive time and cost savings resulting in a significant competitive advantage.
ARONTO applications are Intelligent Applications. With ARONTO processes and data are combined in order to enable both typical workflow applications and analytical applications as well as process automation along processes and lifecycles based on the Knowledge Graph data model. The ARONTO data import integrates the data for a specific customer product, device or business unit and combines the data in a singlegraph data base with its own schema. Business unit or domain data can be managed in separate partitions. Each partition is stored in memory for optimal performance and scalability. With ARONTO applications one finds more relevant information through intelligent searches. It is better understood what is happening by using the relationship between data to predict and interpret change. One gets high transparency through shared meaning and mutual understanding of the semantic data effectiveness and efficiency increase significantly due to the possibility of rapid changes in the event of changes in the business.
With ARONTO intelligent applications you can proactively manage IT assets to minimize risc, offer a 360-degree customer perspective, improve company-wide data management, provide actionable data to researchers and modernize model-based system engineering workflows.
ARONTO the Data-Centric software platform combines
- The Data-Centric approach with
- Knowledge Graph as single data model and central data storage with
- NO-Code and model-driven development for
- Intelligent analytics and process management applications with automated data integration and transformation logic plus integrated graph search and query
Benefits of the ARONTO data-centric infrastructure
- Eliminates data silos
- Reduces data redundancy
- Streamlines data management
- Improves data quality and reliability
- Reduces data errors and inconsistencies
- Eliminates complex data transformations
- Makes data more accessible to key stakeholders
- Simplifies application development
- Simplifies application upgrades and replacements
- Reduces capital and operational expenses
- Facilitates more effective security and compliance
- Makes it easier to implement companywide strategies
Benefits for Developer
- No code. No special programming knowledge necessary.
Development can be done by subject matter experts in business departments. - Modelling of predefined concepts (data objects) as part of an Enterprise Ontology.
Model = specification = documentation = executable application.
Automatic generation of user interface - Quick changes and adaptations possible
- Easy reusability of parts of an application
- Reduction of complexity by up to 90%
- Through Hyperbolic Tree total application can be seen on one screen
- Life cycle management
Benefits for Users
- User is working on a role-based work space with context data and with a company specific vocabulary
- User gets a dynamic task list and is guided by a task specific workflow
- Multi language possibility
- Complex searches and reports possible in easy manner
Benefits for Enterprises
- Enterprise application development in days instead of months and years
- Prototypes possible within a few days
- Savings of time, resources and cost of up to 90%
- No maintenance of code
- Easy integration with almost no effort
- Integration of structured and unstructured data
- Reduced investment risc and less project failure
- Higher application quality (intelligent context-driven semantic applications)
- History of all application results (instances) stored in a graph database. Therefore complex searches and reports possible. Implicit BI system
- ARONTO applications run on premise or in cloud
- Development can be done by LOB. No transformation process or communication issues between LOB and IT.
- Avoidance of ‚Shadow IT‘. Results of LOB development are of high quality and compliant.
- Cleaning of complex a